December 15, 2008

Of Rights, Law, and Grace

Ecuador has recently elected to give nature rights, the consequences of which will be enormous. For more info, listen here .

We've heard the term 'animal rights' for years. There's a whole 'animal rights movement' going on. And I'm asking the question, do animals have rights? For that matter, do humans have rights?

See, I'm not so sure that, according to God's law, it's about 'animal rights' so much as it is about 'human responsibility'. Responsibility to take care of nature? Not so much 'take care of'- after all, tearing up the ground to farm is not 'taking care of' the earth.

According to the Bible our responsibility is to steward the earth, for stewardship affords us authority to use its resources. In Genesis 1, God says to fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over every living thing. God gave green plants to humans and beasts for food.

So, do animals have rights? Does nature? No. But humans have responsibility to steward the earth well.

What about humans? Do we have rights?

According to the Constitution of the United States, we have many rights, inalienable rights, to boot, that are endowed to us by our Creator. And, while I stand by the Constitution, affirming with my vote and meager little blog voice that all humans are created equal and have equal rights when it comes to the law and justice of the land of the US, looking at God's law, I have to wonder about something.

I haven't found in the Bible that any human being has inalienable 'rights'. Thinking about that, do you have to treat me well because it's my right to be treated well? No, you have to treat me well because it's your responsibility to God's law to do so. It's not really about me. It's about God's law.

Speaking of God's law, how're we doing on keeping it? Anybody able to? I am NOT.

Therefore, it is certainly not my right to be 'okay' with God. It was not because of my rights that Jesus came to Earth, as fully God and fully man, died a horrific, atoning death, was raised bodily from the dead, and now sits at the right hand of God interceding for me allowing me to come boldly to Him in time of need. It was not because of my rights- it was because of my sin.

This humbles me. Everything I have in Christ- salvation, victory over sin, the inheritance of an adopted child, a new life, and a new identity- is a gift. The very fact that I have faith to believe in Him and walk a repentant lifestyle is of Him- even those are not of my power, and I've no right to them!

I have no rights- yet am given so much.

I cannot repay God for these gifts. Are treating well my fellow man, stewarding well the earth paying God back? No, any heeding I pay to the law of God is but a fruit of His sanctification in me. Any ability I have to obey His law is His power in me.

Just random thoughts I've had throughout the day.

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