I often refer to the reality of those with disabilities not fully exercising themselves as the necessary members of the body that they are. Who aren't being welcomed by their fellow members, i.e., the rest of us. I see them fully as part of the body of Christ.

However, at this moment, during this opportunity for praise, I saw them as His bride! His beautiful bride. There's a difference in the love of a man's body, you see, and the love for his bride. And, oh, how Jesus loves His bride! Intimately and passionately He loves those hidden in the deepest, most secret of crevices known as nursing homes and institutions. He sees them, and He longs to stretch out His hand to reach them and capture them. For they are most lovely to Him.
And I wondered what has happened to His bride? To this part of His Bride, that they are hidden away and suffering so under the oppression of indifference.

We can be His hands. We can stretch out on His behalf to bring the hidden ones into His body, where Jesus longs to make them His bride! And we will all be ready and waiting for His return.
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