March 18, 2008

Does Life Have Absolute Value Simply Because It Is Human?

Does life have absolute value simply because it is human?

We have to answer that question. We have to. We have to.
We have to realize that bioethicists today, SAY NO. We have to become educated, at the very least aware, of what the consequences have been and will be of them saying no! We have to.

What do we say, Christ followers? How do we answer this question? A simple yes or no will suffice- for now. It's a start.

Most of us are already aware when we listen to God and let Him put His Truth in our hearts that the once taken for granted sanctity of human life is no longer a given, we will grieve for the life that has been lost, for the lives that will be lost, and for what our part has been. And it will hurt.
I know, believe me, I know, it's hard to look at what's happening. It makes us have to do all that 'thinking'. I know it's 'uncomfortable' when we seek God's Truth in this matter because we have to 'feel stuff'. We might offend people, even our friends, and be contraversial. We might even be called to speak out, make a stand.

You don't have to watch all of these videos. They are of a lecture given by Wesley Smith at Trinity Law School on the value of human life and what is happening in the field of ethics today. Watching all four will take two hours total of your time. So, you don't have to watch all of both videos.

But you do have to answer the question- Does life have absolute value simply because it is human? You have to.


Doug E. said...

Hi Julie,

Thanks for posting these, they made me think too. Trinity Just posted a powerful five minute segment of this lecture here..

and here...

God bless, and may he give us the strength and wisdom to stand as his followers on this issue.


Julie said...

Thanks, Doug, I'll check those out as soon as I get a chance. I'll also check out your blog. It looks quite interesting.