June 8, 2008

A Pastoral Statement on Euthanasia

"Human suffering is a reminder of our need of the Savior Jesus Christ and the eternal life that comes through His atoning death and resurrection." Gary Knapp from his pastoral statement on euthanasia from his site The Undershepherd.

The statement (full post here):

  • A Pastoral Statement on Euthanasia and Imposing Death by Starvation and

    Believing that human life at all stages from conception until
    natural death and in every condition regardless of disability or cognitive
    ability bears the image of God, we, the undersigned offer our voice in support
    of life and in opposition to imposing death on the ill and disabled, in
    particular through starvation and dehydration.

    Those of us who minister in Delaware have a special concern at the potential imposed death by starvation of one of our citizens, Lauren Richardson. We urge those who have influence over Lauren’s life, her guardian and the Delaware court system, to act on the basis of hope which comes from faith and reverence for human life, of which God is the author and finisher (Deuteronomy 32:39).

    Acknowledging the tragedy and difficulty of human suffering we ask our fellow citizens to consider the following:

    1. Euthanasia is an act of hopelessness. Human suffering
    humbles us as we see our inability to heal suffering despite our many medical
    advancements. But by imposing death on the ill and disabled, society is
    declaring that there is no purpose in suffering. This is contrary to the message
    of Scripture as seen in the lives of many people, most notably Job, and
    ultimately our Lord Jesus Christ.

    2. God has told us clearly that He is
    the author and finisher of our existence. Fear of God should prevent us from
    ever seeking to end our own life or the life of another prematurely, especially
    by depriving them of the sustenance that is essential to human existence.

    3. We express our concern that nutrition and hydration have been classified as
    medical treatment by many medical authorities and in the legal system. Food and
    water are now referred to in some legal documents as “life support”. This
    classification then becomes the basis for interpreting unguarded or uninformed
    comments from individuals about life support as an expressed declaration of
    their intent. The result is a deceptive vehicle by which many people are starved
    to death.

    4. We urge our citizens to reject the claim that euthanasia is a private act. Even if one’s wishes to have his life ended prematurely were documented (Lauren Richardson left no such written documentation), society must live its approval to euthanize, which it has not done. Euthanasia advocates demand that society validate the so called private decision and make provision for the practice of imposing death. By depicting euthanasia as a purely private act, euthanasia advocates hide the reality that if Lauren is starved to death, we will all share in the decision to do this to her.

    5. New Jersey recently ceased capital punishment calling death by injection “cruel and unusual punishment”. If imposing death by injection is cruel, how much more so death by starvation, which can be a two week process!

    6. Faith leads to hope. We readily acknowledge that suffering is tragic and painful, both for the one suffering and for their loved ones. But because God is real and active, the end of our life is not certain until He makes it so. Often doctors using their best judgment declare that there is no hope; often they are wrong. Faith believes
    that God can heal, and that if He doesn’t, He is with us and has a purpose for
    our suffering.

    7. Human suffering is ultimately a result of the fall by which our first parents Adam and Eve turned away from God and brought death (physical and spiritual) upon themselves and their offspring. Human suffering is a reminder of our need of the Savior Jesus Christ and the eternal life that comes through His atoning death and resurrection. We call our fellow citizens to acknowledge God’s prerogative in beginning and ending life.

    We encourage prayer to God in Jesus’ name on behalf of those who suffer.
    We call on the medical profession and government to turn from their irreverence for
    God demonstrated in the sinful act of starving and dehydrating the ill and
    We remind us all that because mankind bears God’s image our
    treatment of life is taken as our attitude toward God Himself (Genesis 9:6).
    Finally, we remind us that God sees our actions and will render to each one
    of us according to our deeds (Jeremiah 17:10

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